- Far be it from me to tell you what to do. 我是不会告诉你干些什么的。
- Be it our duty to comply with his request? 我们有义务满足他的要求吗?
- Be it that you have never meet the right woman? 是不是因为你从未遇到合适的女人呢?
- Then Peter took him, and began to rebuke him, saying, Be it far from thee, Lord: this shall not be unto thee. 彼得就拉着他说,主阿,万不可如此,这事必不临到你身上。
- Be it your intention to diet to keep your figure? 您打算节食以保持苗条体形吗?
- Be it possible to stop over at beirut? 可以中途在贝鲁特停留吗?
- Be it true( that) traffic in britain keep leave? 在英国来车辆都靠左行驶,对吗?
- Far be it from me to insult the pun! 我毫不亵渎隐语。
- Be it allow to import the watch? 允许进口这块手表吗?
- Be it far? 远吗?
- Far be it from me to beg his mercy. 我绝不会乞求他的怜悯。
- Be it far to walk? 步行路远吗?
- Far be it from me to call her an ugly woman. 我决不会说她是丑女人。
- Far be it from me to condemn him. 我决不责备他。
- Far be it from me to scold him in any way. 我不会以任何方式训斥他的。
- I mean,is it far from the Ambassador Hotel? 我的意思是,离国宾大饭店远吗?
- Is it far from the Olympic Stadiums? 离奥林匹克体育馆远吗?
- And Jonathan said, Far be it from you! 9约拿单说,这事绝不至临到你!
- I mean, is it far from the Ambassador Hotel? 我的意思是,您那儿离国宾大饭店远吗?
- Do I really hear someone come in, or be it only a fancy? 我是真听到有人进来还是仅仅是幻觉而已?